Bystanders No More.

✅ You believe in human rights and international law.

✅ You care about all people – including Palestinians.

✅ You are concerned about the atrocities in Gaza.


❌ You’re worried you’ll be labelled as antisemitic or pro-Hamas if you speak out.

❌ You think you (and the public in general) are powerless in this situation.

❌ And you don’t feel educated enough to take action.

You are not alone. And you’ve found the right place.

Bystanders No More is rooted in the belief that people power democracies – and that people become empowered to act upon their beliefs and values when they are given access to trustworthy resources and a safe space to get informed.

The overall goal of this project is to provide supportive education  and actionable suggestions  for people who are ready (or nearly ready) to take a public stance. Welcome!

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