Tag: democracy
How Can I Lobby Elected Representatives?
Every country is different so you may need to adapt these guidelines for your situation. If you have comments or suggestions, please let us know. There is no “right” approach – it depends on your intent. If you intend to do (D) don’t waste a lot of time on it since it will only matter…
How can I take care of myself while watching this genocide unfold?
Bearing witness to a crisis like the one we’re seeing in Gaza can seriously affect a person’s mental health. Ongoing exposure to graphic images, painful first-person testimony and numbing statistics can lead to feelings of helplessness, depression and exhaustion. This section offers some advice on how to deal with those feelings. Stop Policing your Rage:…
What is the Israel Lobby and what influence does it have?
Pro-Israel organizations shape UK-US foreign policy. The idea that an Israeli Lobby exists is not new.