I changed my mind about Palestine because of three people. The first is an impressive rabbi who told me – as somebody who loves Israel – how horrified she was about what was happening in Israel and about the apartheid that she witnessed in the treatment of Palestinians. The second was a Palestinian professional whom I got to know in London who told me about his family in the West Bank, and how the land belonging to his family for generations had been stolen from them. And the third thing that really, really reached my heart was reading a novel called “Mornings in Jenin”. So now it’s rather obvious to me that we cannot justify the absolute disregard for the lives of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians, women, children and men. I don’t understand why so little value is placed on the life of a Palestinian, compared, say to the lives of each individual English, German or American person. I just identify with fellow human beings who are being submitted to suffering, which major western powers seem to think is quite acceptable. And that’s why I think what Bystanders No More is doing is so important. Please speak up for what you know to be true.
Mark Goyder